Brinell SmartLight
For optimum evaluation of Brinell indentations.
The Brinell hardness test has always represented a challenge with soft metals and difficult surfaces. Particularly with soft materials, the edges are not always perfectly recognisable due to considerable deformation (bulging) around the indentation.
The SmartLight technology developed by EMCO-TEST combines a lens with “collimated light”. With this lighting, parallel light beams are directed by a mirror system onto the test indentation. The light therefore strikes the test indentation perpendicularly from above and prevents any shadowing in the area of the bulge. The contour is clearly recognisable and the indentation can be precisely evaluated. The SmartLight technology is permanently integrated into the lens and requires no further settings by the operator.
Brinell Smartlight in comparison
Coaxial lighting: When using coaxial lighting, the light passing through the lens is scattered on the specimen surface. As the light beams are not reflected back to the lens due to the scatter, the test indentation appears dark. Furthermore, shadowing is caused by the oblique incident light in the area of the bulging around the test indentation. Due to these physical factors, the edges of the indentation are difficult to detect and evaluate.
Circular light: When using circular lighting, diffuse light falls in a ring pattern from the outside onto the indentation. The light beams are reflected in the
test indentation back into the lens. This allows better recognition of the edges compared with coaxial lighting.Depending on the hardness range, different
height settings of the circular light are necessary in order to achieve optimum illumination of the test indentation. That these adjustments are performed manually by the operator can, however, have a negative influence on the evaluation result. -
SmartLight: The SmartLight technology developed by EMCO-TEST combines a lens with “collimated light”. With this lighting, parallel light beams are directed by a mirror system onto the test indentation. The light therefore strikes the test indentation perpendicularly from above and prevents any shadowing in the area of the bulge. The contour is clearly recognisable and the indentation can be precisely evaluated. The SmartLight technology is permanently integrated into the lens and requires no further settings by the operator.
Of light and shadow: a simple solution to a familiar problem.
In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's play “Götz von Berlichingen” it says: “Where there is much light, there is much shadow.” The EMCO-TEST development team says: “Where there is shadow, there must be the right light.” For this reason, they have designed the Brinell SmartLight, which counteracts a well-known problem in hardness testing.
Constantly evaluating different materials is a challenge for many companies when it comes to hardness testing. Especially with the frequently used, purely optical Brinell method. The spherical impression creates craters whose raised edges produce shadows and make optical evaluation difficult, especially with extremely highly polished test panels and softer materials.
All advantages at a glance:
- The light strikes the test indentation perpendicularly from above
- Shadow formation in the area of the bulge is prevented
- The contour is clearly recognisable
- Permanently installed in a 2.5x or 5x lens
- No further settings by the operator necessary
With the Brinell SmartLight you can present your indentations in the right light.
Brinell SmartLight is available as an option for all DuraVision and DuraScan of the current generation as well as for all DuraVision of the previous generation G4.